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Plume des Enimistes

Sunny day, birds wistling on the branch of a wild old tree. There she was, staring with awe at them, God knows why... Sitting in the far away corner of that classy coffeshop, well known for its sweet applepies. Than came a bright wave of light and fresh air disturbing her from these unusual rituals, because of this guy who just came inside and somehow managed to throw himself on the red leather seat across her table. Out of the blue, he was just there, looking across the glass next to her left shoulder. She first looked at the other clients and servants behind him in the coffeeshop, who followed the full scene in an awckward interest than smoothly came back to their routine. Hence she had the courage to look at him, still stoned in his first position. Black short hair brushed to the back, snow white cheaks, and most of all, large open eyes with clear brown wide pupils. She suddenly took the opportunity of gaizing into his eyes for about three seconds, to dive afterwards inside that honney brown agitated sea hitting on the franchise of his forhead and shining through his eyes, from the reflexion of that round sun across the glass. As he finally realised where he was, how he was, he curved his neck to see this blond young lady staring at him right in the eyes. She immerged from her short sweet swim, and raised her eyebrows in shock to this weird stranger. He turned his head to the right, to the left, than broke that silence by excusing himself for being there, and that he had absolutely no idea of how he got there. Without any further thought, she answered that he had no reason to apologize and that she partially managed to understand his situation from his eyes. He closed his eyes and nodded, she flipped a pack of cigarets and offered him one, that he instantly put into flames. He ordered what she was having, black coffee; they talked, they got to know each other, found out things in commun, shared interests. They later became very close, and always remembered how they first met, and bursted into laughs and tears eveytime they did.

Le Club
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ENSMR Press est un club de l'Ecole Nationale des Mines de Rabat créé au début de l'année scolaire 2015/2016 et dont le but est de le développement de la presse au sein du milieu des grandes écoles d'ingénierie

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